TalentNomics will host a number of events for participants throughout the year. For information regarding our upcoming New York Crucible, click here.
Crucibold convenes a small number of individuals across industries and sectors to share ideas, insights, and inspiration for expanding capability, confidence, and connections of women participants. Leaders, men and women, with relevant expertise from industry, academia, government or consulting will participate and enrich these conversations with their insights.
Women participants will also have the opportunity to have mentors (male or female) from other organizations. 10 hours of mentoring, through a combination of face-to-face, phone/Skype and other virtual means will be provided.
Sample topics for sessions and master classes include:
- Global leaders in modern organizations: challenges, opportunities, and how women can prepare for success
- Sponsors and champions: why we need them and how to build an effective professional network
- Internal politics and the external political environment: navigating successfully
- Cross-cultural competence and adaptive global mind set
- Rethinking time: the power of the multiplier and leveraging personal networks
- Gender-related expectations: building resilience to navigate cultural norms and complexity
- Design Thinking and Innovation for Success
- Negotiating for Oneself
- Strategic Thinking
- Executive Presence
- Anxiety and the Confidence Gap Complexity
Contact us for more information on schedules and pricing