Innovation, Economic Growth & the Empowerment of Women
At TalentNomics, we have very different ideas about how the problem of economic empowerment of women and girls should be tackled. We believe that solutions need to be holistic and synergistic. We need to be better connected. We need to develop mutually supportive networks of women and organizations across the world. We need solutions to be experiential, focused on pragmatic actions that can be applied globally. Moreover, we need to be collaborative with successful women and men role models who inspire and impart their wisdom to develop the next generation of women leaders. We need organizations to build inclusive and supportive work environments and reimagine talent management. All these transformations need to converge and occur simultaneously, effectively leveraging global connections, knowledge and technology.
The same philosophy has shaped the 2015 TalentNomics Conference on Innovation, Economic Growth and the Empowerment of Women. We will showcase women and girl innovators and innovations that empower them. We will bring role models, women and men leaders, and policy makers who champion and support women’s empowerment together with innovators and experts to provide inspiration. The conference will be about discovery and developing and implementing pragmatic solutions.
The conference will explore how innovation can narrow the earnings gap with men, and alleviate gender inequality by increasing the representation of women in key decision-making roles. The conference will offer a platform to develop rich relationships with peers across industries and job functions, and share knowledge and insights about innovation, economic growth, and the empowerment of women.
The conference will address key questions, including:
o What role does innovation have in driving new models of leadership that lead to these outcomes?
o Does the empowerment of women improve the quality and pace of innovation?
o Are women better at certain types of innovation?
o What is the critical role of innovation in creating new organizations, jobs, and the next generation of global women leaders?
Speakers will provide a multidimensional perspective about the incentives, infrastructure and cultures that facilitate and hinder innovation and suggest concrete actions to spur innovation.