Leadership 20/20 – Are You Ready to be a Game-Changer?
October 13-14, 2016
The world in which we work, compete and collaborate is radically different today than when we entered the workplace. The leadership challenges we face as we enter the next decade are incredibly complex and require a brand new set of mental models and capabilities. Our workforce and our customers have requirements and expectations that we need to better understand and address.
Every day, we discover new opportunities and threats that have a serious impact on our organizations, our roles and to our success. Other opportunities and threats remain invisible to us. Innovations that disrupt established ways of doing business are emerging daily in every industry and in every country. Social media, digital tools and other innovative technologies are empowering our employees and customers globally with a voice that influences many others very rapidly and creates ripple effects across the world. In this context:
- What are the frameworks and models that can help us identify these myriad forces and trends, connect them and apply them to our context? Can Complexity Science provide us with a useful lens to make sense of the patterns that are emerging in the world of work? How can we be more resilient as leaders and strengthen our cross cultural understanding to navigate these changes? What can prepare us to be global game changers?
- How do we unleash the promise and potential in all of us – women, girls, boys and men while fully engaging all stakeholders in delivering outcomes?
The Santa Fe Crucible is an annual TalentNomics event that brings together, from around the world, leading thinkers from diverse disciplines; innovators from a wide range of fields from the arts to culture; and business and non-profit leaders, both established and those aspiring to senior leadership positions, from a variety of industries. The Crucible is a forum for discussions, debates, shared learnings and creating actionable insights for leaders and resilient personal networks.
The Santa Fe Crucible presents a unique opportunity to open the windows of our mind to new frameworks, perspectives and insights that will enable us to change our game and be more effective as leaders for the new world.
Hotel Information: Inn and Spa at Loretto
Conference Testimonials:
I wanted to thank you again for the incredible experience this past week. Listening to the brilliant women (and men) weigh in on today’s most complicated issues was not only inspiring but deeply energizing. It is the sparks of energy like the TalentNomics movement that make all the difference! I met women that I believe will be long-time connections, and even friends. I look forward to any further opportunities to work with TalentNomics. —AMN
I want to express my gratitude to you for the vision of TalentNomics and this conference. After yesterday’s discussions, my spectrum of thinking has expanded so much, my belief in me has deepened, and, equally, my sense of responsibility to give back has strengthened. Equipped with these three sources of inspiration and motivation, I aim to be a “game changer” within my little sphere of influence in terms of family (my boys are only 6 so lots to do to equip them for the future) and in terms of the work place. However, on top of this I am struck by the hopes to just be a better person for society in general. — RSM
Thank you, thank you, thank you for extending to me the invitation to the Santa Fe Crucible and surrounding events. The event was energizing, educational, and trans-formative. I leave Santa Fe with a head and heart full of inspiration. Thank you again for the past few days. I am deeply appreciative. — JC
I wanted to thank you for all of your efforts at making the Santa Fe Crucible an incredible success. The quality of speakers and sharing of ideas was truly “game changing”. As with the event in Washington DC last year, I find the TalentNomics events so terrifically helpful in my work and also very inspiring! —JW
TalentNomics provides a wonderful mix of inspiration, fellowship, and tactical advice. Bravo. You made the right pivot! Thank you also for your generous inclusion of me in the program. I had a great time. —AH
Thank you so much for inviting me to attend and speak at the excellent and inspiring Santa Fe Crucible. I enjoyed every element—the event, meeting people, learning, and just listening. Please never hesitate to touch base with me if there is anything that I can ever do to support your fantastic organization. —AB
Attending the TalentNomics conference was both personally inspirational and professionally refreshing. I felt the conference provided me with a much-needed spark of enthusiasm to bring my best self forward each day. What is truly a unique benefit of this conference is the conversational and down-to-earth style that allows for a true dialogue to occur. Being a part of the conversation among such leaders was a reminder that we can be part of the greater story… and that we must be. The TalentNomics conference highlighted the importance of extending my network beyond the traditional workplace environment. In listening to the many speakers from diverse backgrounds, from poets to politicians, it was clear that the value of a different perspective cannot be overstated. —MD